Step 1 – You need to have/create a  social security statement at www.ssa.gove/myaccount
If you have not created an account this is where you start, follow on screen instructions.

Once you have created your account, and log in, you will see a home page.

The home page will have a box “Your Social Security Statement” ** Do Not click**, this
page will NOT be acceptable by Delta, due it has years combined together, they want
each year displayed line by line.  You will need to  scroll down to the bottom of the
page “Earnings, review your full earnings record now”.

Once you have displayed your earnings -line by line – you will need to highlight all your
years and print them out.  Mine took four pages.

Step 2 – Type up a simple cover letter stating you want to have a review of your Retirement Benefits.

Here is my example:


Delta Service Center

PO Box 52175

Phoenix, AZ 85072

To Whom it may concern, Please review my Delta Retirement benefits.  Included herein

Is a recent copy of my Social Security Statement.  Please advise of any adjustment or


Your Name

Full Address

DOE (Date of employment)
Your employee number

Step 3 – I strongly recommend keeping a copy of your cover letter and SS statement.  In addition
I recommend mailing this at the post office with a return receipt requested.  You will need
to fill out a simple green postcard with the address and home address, this will be returned
to you once Delta receives your information, it is you proof that they received your packet.

Step 4 – If you can get on an airplane, go on an extended vacation around the world several  s.  It
took Delta a little over 11 months to return my request with the adjustment.


Step 5 – I recommend that you call the service center (1-800-MY-Delta) about once a month and
ask them POLITELY if they have an update on your request.  If your rude they may put your file on the bottom of the pile.


Good luck and be patient.

Lynn Kelly